Chandler & Co. Properties


We are relational & and motivated Real Estate Professionals desiring nothing less than the best for our clients. We work relentlessly to simplify buying, selling and investing in Real Estate. We believe in good communication with all parties, keeping our clients involved with
everything during Real Estate transactions.

Chandler & Co. Properties has over 50 Million dollars worth of sales to support our proven track record of success. You can be sure you are making the right choice when choosing our team to represent your real estate needs.

We don’t just sell real estate in the areas we serve; we are lifetime members of the community and not only work here but enjoy all the many things there is to love and have resources to guide you in the right direction.

 Buying or selling real estate is often an enormously important transaction, and the representation you receive from your agent can significantly impact your results. We want you to pick the team that’s the right fit for your particular needs. If that ends up being us, we promise to work diligently to exceed your expectations.

Chandler Co Properties Real Estate Professionals

Licensed professional Realtors. Residents Lake Anna lovers! Proudly serving Louisa, Orange, and Spotsylvania as a Buyer’s Agent and Seller Agent.